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Meeting with U.S. Under Secretary of State

2016-10-29 | Politics

On 29 October 2016 Acting President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev received U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Thomas Shannon.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev, warmly welcoming the guest, conveyed an earnest gratitude to US President Barak Obama and State Secretary John Kerry for their deep condolences and support to the people of Uzbekistan on the occasion of the death of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov. Paying a tribute to his memory during a visit to Samarkand on 28 October is a demonstration of a high respect to our First President and the whole Uzbek nation. 

During conversation, the parties noted the dynamic and successful development and strengthening of Uzbek-American relations, based on the principles of mutual respect and trust, fully taking into account the interests of each other. 

Regular productive exchanges on different levels allow to effectively push forward the multifaceted cooperation and reach significant results in political, trade-economic, investment, humanitarian and other spheres. 

Within the framework of the annual political consultations, the parties exchange views on a wide array of issues on the bilateral agenda, regional and internationals matters, including strengthening security and stability in Central Asia. A particular attention is paid to the processes of peaceful settlement of the situation in Afghanistan and assistance to the social-economic recovery of this country. 

The sides highly appreciated the level of mutually advantageous cooperation in trade, investments and high technologies. Today, leading American companies, such as General Motors, Boeing, General Electric, Honeywell, Hyatt, Hilton and others operate in Uzbekistan. The purposeful activity of the American-Uzbekistan chamber of commerce contributes to developing and enhancing a full-scale economic interaction. 

As underlined during the conversation, Uzbekistan and the United States have all possibilities and a necessary potential for sustained strengthening and expansion of partnership and cooperation in all prospective areas, corresponding to the long-term interests of the two countries. 

The head of US delegation highly appraised the visible results of the wide-scale social-economic and political reforms, deep transformations in Uzbekistan, aimed at consolidating civil society and democratic values. 

He particularly noted that during his stay in Uzbekistan he was personally convinced in a rich historical-cultural and spiritual heritage of the Uzbek people. 

The guest was impressed by open and sincere meetings and talks with the representatives of the young generation, leaders of different religious confessions and representatives of civil society, by their confidence in the future, dedication, perseverance and energy. The peace, the atmosphere of of inter-ethnic harmony and inter-faith tolerance in Uzbekistan were underscored. 
The U.S. Under Secretary also visited the National Paralympic Association of Uzbekistan and cordially congratulated our athletes with high achievements at the XV Summer Paralympic Games in Rio. 

Thomas Shannon expressed a sincere thanks to Shavkat Mirziyoyev for a warm reception and affirmed the interest of the US leadership in a steady and stable development of multifaceted relations with Uzbekistan. 

Other bilateral and multilateral issues were also considered during the meeting.
