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UzLiDeP Hands Papers Over to the CEC

2016-10-23 | Elections

The authorized representative of the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businesspeople – the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan submitted October 22 this year to the Central Election Commission the package of documents (application) necessary for registration of its candidate for the post of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The ceremony of handing over the papers was attended by members of the Central Election Commission, representatives of the political party and the media.

As the electoral law requires, presented was the statement by the leader of the political party to the Central Election Commission containing a request for registration of the candidate nominated for the post of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The application is accompanied by the decision of the 8th Congress of the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businesspeople – the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan on the nomination of the presidential candidate, the minutes of the Congress on the issue, the statement of the candidate with his consent to run, voter signature lists in support of the contender to the position of the head of state.

The Central Election Commission has issued a certificate to the authorized representative of the political party, indicating the date and time of the reception of documents. The compliance of the submitted application with the requirements of electoral legislation is considered within deadlines established by the law.

Currently, expert groups are working at the CEC to verify the voter signature sheets. The groups set up for this purpose include specialists from the bodies of the interior, justice, institutions that keep records of people, as well as representatives of the wider public.
