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Political Parties Submit Documents to Take Part in Presidential Elections

2016-09-20 | Elections

In accordance with the electoral legislation, including that concerning the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and theprogram of major activities, comprehensive preparations have been underway in the country for the presidential elections scheduled for 4 December this year.

In particular, the political parties of Uzbekistan have been appealing to the Central Election Commission in the order envisaged by the law in order to partake in the forthcoming vote.

On September 20, representatives of the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan handed in to the Central Election Commission anapplication for participation in the elections, signed by leader of the party; a certificate of the Ministry of Justice containing information on the registration of the political party; information on candidate for the post of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In this regard, the Central Election Commission has organized a meeting with members of the Commission, reporters of mass media, where it was noted that the presidential elections are an important component of a democratic constitutional state and open civil society, of free expression of people’s will, and the basic form of participation of citizens in governance.

On the same day, representatives of Adolat (Justice) Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan appealed to the Central Election Commission to participate in the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and submitted pertinent documents.

The Central Election Commission issued a dated certificate for authorized representatives of political parties.

“The Central Election Commission makes a final decision within five days on the admission of a political party to elections,” KomiljonAdilov, deputy chairman of the Central Election Commission, said. “In accordance with current legislation, the list of parties partaking in the elections is being published in the central print media in the order of receipt of applications.

Source: The Central election commission
