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Nearly 70 per cent of this year’s graduates in Andijon provided with jobs

2016-08-31 | Education

A traditional August conference of workers of Andijon Region’s secondary special education and vocational training system has taken place in Andijon under the slogan of “My life, my destiny – my sacred homeland, my beautiful and unique Uzbekistan”.

It has been noted that consistent reforms being implemented in the country’s education system are an important factor in increasing the effectiveness of education and in introducing interactive methods and new teaching techniques in educational processes. 

Here the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on education and the formation of the country’s education system based on modern and advanced teaching techniques and on a national programme of personnel training are especially important. 

“Today more than 133 thousand students train in 100 professions at 17 academic lyceums and 117 vocational colleges under the directorate. At the same time, special attention is being paid to increasing the effectiveness of education, to raising the knowledge and qualifications of teachers and specialists working there and introducing advanced teaching techniques and information communication technologies,” says A.Mamirov, head of the region’s secondary special education and vocational training directorate. 

At these educational establishments, 129 information-resource centres are provided with the necessary educational and methodological literature and connected to the ZiyoNET network. A number of educational institutions’ web sites have been created. 

Attention is given constantly to vocational college graduates’ practical training and their employment. To date 68 per cent of this year’s graduates have been provided with jobs. Commercial banks have allocated 18 billion 724 million soms worth of credits for those graduates who expressed a desire to engage in entrepreneurial activities. 

During the last academic year, teachers and production masters created more than 500 educational and methodological handbooks. The degree of students’ learning general education and vocational disciplines has risen. 
The number of students successfully participating in various science Olympiads, contests and competitions is rising. 

Views were expressed at the event on ways of further raising the quality and effectiveness of education, improving the work of the “teacher-apprentice” school and popularizing advanced teachers’ experience. 

Source: UzA
