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Spiritual and Educational Events in Tashkent

2016-08-19 | Society

Spiritual and educational events, conducted in the National Park of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of our Homeland, make a big impression on our compatriots and guests of the capital.

An event, organized under the motto “My life, my destiny - my native, unique Uzbekistan!” by Tashkent city khokimiyat (administration), the city Women's Committee, departments of the Center of spirituality and enlightenment and the Public Youth Movement “Kamolot”, khokimiyats of Shaikhantakhur, Yakkasaray and Yashnabad districts, Council of the Tashkent city joint Trade Union Committee, was attended by activists of mahallas, women's committees, experts of trade unions, talented youth, exemplary families and elders.

Deputy khokim of Tashkent city, chairman of the city Women's Committee F.Abdurahimova, People's Poet of Uzbekistan, first deputy chairman of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan S.Sayyid and others noted that reforms carried out under the leadership of the President of our country contribute to the strengthening of peace and social stability, interethnic and inter-confessional consent in our country, the steady growth of people's welfare. 

The event was held in an atmosphere of warm and sincere communication, sounded poems and songs glorifying Uzbekistan, Independence, enormous progresses achieved over the past years. Active workers of trade unions, talented youth, winners of international competitions and exemplary families awarded with diplomas and memorable gifts. 

As part of the event was organized an exhibition of works of art and photographs, telling about the economic potential of Tashkent, conducted creative work, the results of reforms, mahalla life, and the harmonious development of young people. 

The Prime Minister of Uzbekistan, chairperson of the Women's Committee of the Republic E.Basithanova took part in the event. 
