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South Korean company Samsung C&T will participate in the implementation of new investment projects in Uzbekistan

2023-06-28 | Economics

On June 27 this year, the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade hosted a meeting with President and Chief Executive Officer of Samsung C&T Oh Se-chul.

For reference: Samsung C&T is a South Korean construction and design company founded in 1938. Today it owns 122 offices in 44 countries of the world.

During the meeting, the parties reviewed the implementation state of current projects and promising areas for establishing cooperation in the field of energy and industrial infrastructure development, as well as the development of new PPP projects.

Currently, the company is starting to explore the possibility of participating in the implementation of a number of infrastructure projects in the fields of urban planning and green energy.

Following the meeting, the parties worked out a format for further cooperation to thoroughly work out the issues of implementing joint projects.

Source: Ministry of Investments, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan
