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Fire safety measures discussed

2023-06-13 | Ecology

Under the chairmanship of the Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change Aziz Abdukhakimov, a videoconference meeting was held, where responsible officials of the Ministry, the Forestry Agency, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as heads of state forestry in the regions took part.

The meeting addressed the issues of preventing the occurrence of fires in the protected natural areas and forests existing in the country, conducting monitoring in the regions on an ongoing basis, increasing the vigilance of the relevant responsible persons, as well as the systematic implementation of measures to be taken in the regions.
It was noted that many countries around the world today are experiencing hot weather as a result of climate change, and a sharp increase in temperature is causing fires.
At the end of the meeting, instructions and instructions were given to responsible persons on such issues as effective informing the population about precautionary measures, installation of warning signs, materials in existing protected natural areas and forestry.
