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The prospects for cooperation with UNDP were discussed

2023-06-13 | Economics

On June 12 this year, the Minister of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sherzod Kudbiev met with a UNDP delegation headed by the Director of the Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS Ivana Živković.

The meeting was attended by heads of structures of the ministry, as well as UNDP Resident Representative in Uzbekistan Matilda Dimovska and other specialists.
The meeting touched upon the current state of cooperation and further tasks with UNDP. In particular, attention was paid to issues related to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), poverty reduction, social protection and environmental protection, as well as rural development and the importance of active participation of citizens in the Initiative Budget project.
- Uzbekistan is an important strategic partner for us, we have been working with your country for 30 years. As part of our visit to Uzbekistan, we visited the Muynak region of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. The difficult issue is that one country will not be able to independently find a solution to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters in the Aral Sea. It is necessary to expand assistance from international organizations. In turn, we were pleased that in the new version of the Constitution of Uzbekistan, issues of social protection and environmental protection occupy a special place. In the course of reforms carried out in the regions, we observe the actual fulfillment of tasks in these areas. Of course, this work is synchronized with our cooperation in the field of environmental protection,” Ivana Živković said.
The agenda discussed areas for further cooperation, as well as issues of assistance to the government in the reforms carried out by UNDP in Uzbekistan.
Following the meeting, the parties agreed to develop mutual cooperation and expand projects in the areas that were touched upon during the discussion.
