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Proposals for the protection and effective use of pasture lands presented

2023-02-16 | Politics

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev became familiar with the presentation of proposals for the protection and effective use of pasture lands.

The corresponding instruction was given by the Head of state at a meeting on agriculture held on January 23 this year.

There are more than 21 million hectares of pastures in Uzbekistan, which are an important resource for many industries such as animal husbandry, sericulture and beekeeping. But the existing order of their use restricts the development of entrepreneurship and the cultivation of products on pasture lands.

In this regard, it is proposed to develop a draft law “On pastures” in a new edition and the procedure for granting pasture land plots for rent.

This will create conditions for the implementation of many economic projects. In particular, with the participation of leading companies in Spain and Portugal, 4 projects worth $7.8 million have been formed, which will be implemented through grants from international financial institutions. It is envisaged to create enterprises for the production of feed in Kashkadarya and Samarkand regions, the organization of a Laboratory for genetic research of livestock, as well as the introduction of digital identification of small cattle. At the expense of grants from international financial institutions, it is planned to build wells and introduce drip irrigation based on alternative energy sources on pastures with an area of 500 hectares.

As is known, pasture lands are favorable for growing ferula, listed in the Red Book. Currently, the natural habitat and reproduction of this plant are being harmed. If in 2019, the area of natural ferula was 33 thousand hectares, then by 2021 they have almost halved.

In this regard, it was proposed to increase the amount of the fine for damage caused to each ferula bush, to introduce a moratorium on the use of Tajik ferula for 3 years.

The President approved these measures and gave additional instructions on the effective implementation of the submitted plans.

Source: UzA
