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A round table was held on topical issues of combating corruption in the field of public procurement

2022-12-22 | Economics

The action plan held within the framework of the anti-corruption week dedicated to The Plan of events held within the framework of the anti-corruption week dedicated to the International Anti-Corruption Day - December 9 (approved by protocol No. 8 of the meeting of the National Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Combating Corruption) provides for a round table on topical issues of combating corruption in public procurement.

In this regard, a round table was held at the Ministry of Finance with the participation of senior officials of the Information and Mass Communications Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Anti-Corruption Agency and the Antimonopoly Committee of our country.

The event was opened by the Director of the Public Procurement Department of the Ministry of Finance Sarvar Nazarov. He informed that in 2022-2023, the Sphere Without Corruption project is being implemented in this area, together with relevant ministries and departments, studies have been conducted to identify corruption risks and problems in the sphere, an intolerant attitude towards corruption is being formed among its employees, public control has been introduced and changes have been made to the relevant electronic systems.

At the same time, a critical analysis of the work within the framework of the project indicated the need to further strengthen activities in this direction.With the help of presentation materials, participants were provided with detailed information about anti-corruption measures in the field and plans for the future.
Responsible employees of the Information and Mass Communications Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Anti-Corruption Agency and the Antimonopoly Committee expressed their proposals for the implementation of the “Sphere without Corruption” project in the field of public procurement.
Following the results of the round table, measures were identified to ensure the implementation of the project tasks for 2023 and an agreement was reached to hold such meetings on an ongoing basis.

Source: Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
