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Meeting with representatives of the United Nations

2022-11-18 | Economics

On November 17 this year, Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan Jamshid Kuchkarov met with Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations Haoliang Hu.

The meeting was attended by First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Ilhom Norkulov and Resident Representative of the UN Development Program in Uzbekistan Matilda Dimovska, Deputy Resident Representative of the UN Development Program in Uzbekistan Doina Munteanu, Head of the UNDP Inclusive Growth Cluster Bakhodir Bekov.

During the meeting, issues of regional economic development, ensuring green and inclusive growth, implementing green projects, providing technical assistance in the processes of green transformation, reducing poverty, developing human capital, including education, vocational training for young people, developing skills in the digital economy, IT, entrepreneurship, services, innovations.

In particular, together with the United Nations Development Program and Switzerland, the project “Empowering the Youth to Embrace the Digital Economy and Digital Entrepreneurship” for 2022-2024 is being implemented. UNDP is assisting the Government to significantly improve the digital entrepreneurship environment and digital skills of young entrepreneurs. These activities aim to create a competitive young workforce to meet the needs of the labor market by developing the digital skills of young people through a wide range of educational programs on digital skills and digital entrepreneurship for young people across the country.

Also, the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction, IT Park and UNDP launched the Youth Digital Skills program. The program is already contributing to increasing employment opportunities, competitiveness and reducing inequality, ensuring inclusive, innovative and sustainable economic growth and job creation.
The program implements 13 initiatives, covering almost the entire field of information technology, aimed at further development of digital entrepreneurship in the country, training youth and women in digital skills - from the ability to find and evaluate important content online to advanced user know-how, such as online marketing and commerce. (More)
In addition, at the meeting, the parties exchanged views on the "Open budget" project, aimed at supporting socially oriented civil initiatives in the regions, improving the living standards of people, energy efficiency, developing the use of solar panels at social facilities, and implementing projects for the sustainable development of rural infrastructure.
In particular, the project “Sustainable Rural Development” is being implemented with the participation of the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction, the Islamic Development Bank, the OPEC International Development Fund and the UN Development Program. The project was launched in order to improve the quality of the basic infrastructure of the rural population in the regions and improve the quality of services providing hayetyal activities in the villages covered by the project, in particular, the construction of roads, transport infrastructure, engineering and communication networks, as well as the development of preschool educational institutions, schools.
The project aimed at the construction of social facilities and infrastructure, their reconstruction and repair is being implemented in 170 self-government bodies of local communities-makhalla (40 central and 130 adjacent makhallas) 20 districts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan (46 makhalla), Bukhara (41 makhalla), Navoi (34 makhalla) and Khorezm (49 makhalla) regions. (More)
Following the meeting, the parties agreed on further development and expansion of cooperation.

Source: Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
