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The progress of implementation of the national project “Green Space” presented at the High-level Thematic Debate of the UN General Assembly

2022-07-21 | Ecology

New York City hosted a High-level Thematic Debate of the UN General Assembly: Moment for Nature.

The event was attended by the President of the United Nations General Assembly Abdulla Shahid, UN Secretary-General António Guterres, Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed, UNEP Executive Director Inger Andersen, other high-ranking representatives of UN structures, delegations of member states, activists of youth organizations and civil society.

Participants exchanged views on effective ways to counter the interrelated threats of climate change, biodiversity loss, land degradation, air pollution, and unsustainable consumption and production.

The Permanent Representative of Uzbekistan to the UN, Ambassador Bakhtiyor Ibragimov informed about the large-scale work carried out in Uzbekistan to ensure environmental well-being, preserve biodiversity and combat climate change.

The main provisions of the Concept of environmental protection in the period up to 2030 were explained. Information was provided about the implementation of the nationwide project “Yashil Makon” (Green Space) to plant 1 billion trees over five years with an increase in urban green space from 8% to 30%.

Following the event, the commitment of Uzbekistan to further promotion of a comprehensive and consistent approach to overcoming the consequences of the climate crisis and deepening cooperation with international partners and the UN in addressing the environmental objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals was confirmed.

Source: Information agency "Dunyo"
