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Sustainable Development Goals discussed

2022-06-16 | Politics

On June 16, 2022, the Second Regional SDG Summit on “Beyond COVID – Towards Just Recovery in Central Asia”, organized by the UN and the EU on the initiative of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held in Almaty.

Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov also attended the event.

The participants exchanged views on ensuring economic growth in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Poverty reduction, food security, promotion of large-scale reforms in healthcare and education, implementation of the national strategy for gender equality, accelerated development of green energy, introduction of innovations and digital technologies, modernization of infrastructures and others were noted as priorities in their achievement.

During the visit to Almaty, bilateral meetings were organized with the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan and Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations aimed at further development of cooperation. 

Source: UzA
