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Shavkat Mirziyoyev: We expect great results from Fergana

2022-05-13 | Politics

Significant results are achieved thanks to the entrepreneurship and hard work of Fergana people. More than 10 thousand small enterprises have been created over the past year. Exports increased by 44 percent, to $801 million.

The Quartz enterprise in Kuvasai, due to investments of $70 million, organized the production of construction glass with an annual capacity of 22 million square meters. A 120-million-euro project for the production of finished textile products is being implemented at the Global Textile Infinity enterprise. The company will be launched in the fourth quarter and will create 3,000 new workplaces.

“We have chosen the right way”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said. – Here it gives results. Fergana region exported goods for $801 million. When we started, we set a goal of $50 million. And now we are talking about exports of 1 billion. This means that the products of the regions enter the world market and withstand competition. All this is possible thanks to a smart approach, knowledge, and energy. By the end of this year, it is expected that 1 trillion UZS will remain in the local budget. Due to this, conditions for people and infrastructure for business will be created. It is necessary to continue to move in this direction.
The Head of the state noted that receptions were held in the region with the participation of responsible officials, and most of the issues raised at them are solved at the local level.

“Before coming here, we organized receptions of citizens. 45 percent of the population's appeals were resolved on the spot. This is good, we will continue this practice. But the question arises: what are the hokims, heads of sectors doing? Such irresponsibility, “red tape” should be stopped”, the President said.

It was noted that this year more than 1 trillion UZS will be allocated to support people’s initiatives, develop the specialization of each mahalla, and provide jobs for 147 thousand people.

“We are increasing the role of the mahalla system in all spheres. Mahalla is an expression of people’s opinions and will. We have created a legal framework for this. There are 1062 mahallas in Fergana region. Everyone from hokim to the chairman of mahalla, relevant organizations should unite and improve people's lives. Fergana should be an example of this.

The Head of the state noted that entrepreneurs are the mainstay in the development of mahallas, solving social issues.

“If we create conditions for entrepreneurs and take care of them, they will help people, lead young people”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

An additional $23 million from the Reconstruction and Development Fund will be allocated to finance 183 investment projects of entrepreneurs of the region.

At the meeting, Deputy Prime Ministers and other responsible officials reported on the work of subordinate systems at the grassroots level.

It was emphasized that in 2022-2023, 1,268 investment projects of industry, services and agriculture for 31 trillion UZS will be implemented in the region. At the same time, the driver’s role is assigned to the chemical, textile, leather, pharmaceutical industries and the building materials industry.

It is envisaged to implement 653 projects in agriculture and create 23 thousand permanent jobs. It is planned to create 1,2 thousand hectares of intensive orchards and vineyards in Oltiariq, Fergana and Baghdad districts, to provide them to those who wish with a ten-year installment plan.

Plans for the construction of housing and roads, improvement of electricity and water supply, repair of schools and kindergartens were presented.

“We expect great results from Fergana. This region has long been famous for science, culture, and handicrafts. Fergana people are hardworking, businesslike. It is necessary to fully realize these potential, internal opportunities for the benefit of the people.

Source: UzA
