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President talks with Muynak people

2022-02-23 | Politics

On February 23, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev arrived in the city of Muynak.

The city is one of the most remote places in the country.

It is 100 kilometers far from the nearest city – Kungrad, and 200 kilometers far from the center of Karakalpakstan, Nukus.

Difficulties in transport communication naturally arise at such distances.

Therefore, the issues of improving the lives and conditions of the Muynak people, their concerns are under the special attention of the Head of the state. Two resolutions on the development of this region were adopted, and targeted programs were implemented. The President himself visited Muynak twice – in 2018 and 2019. Then instructions were given to improve transport communications. Following them, roads were repaired, the Muynak Airport was modernized and re-launched.

The air harbor, built in 1947, was intended to serve small vessels. Then the work of the airport stopped. Today, the airport, which received a new life, for the first time accepted the board of the President of Uzbekistan.

The Head of the state got acquainted with the construction and landscaping activities here.

A new terminal has been erected, capable of serving 50 passengers, the runway and aprons have been repaired. The area around the airport complex was landscaped. Here the President met with representatives of the older generation, chairmen of mahallas, assistants to hokims and youth of Muynak.

“Over the past five years, we have learned a lot, believed in what previously seemed incredible. On my first visit, I said that culture would begin from Muynak. This is exactly what is happening. An example is this airport. Now air communication will be organized along the Tashkent – Muynak – Nukus route”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said. To unite efforts in the development of the Aral Sea region, each district of Karakalpakstan is assigned to one of the regions. The President explained the reason and significance of this measure.

“Many only say that the situation in the Aral Sea region is bad. But not everyone saw it with their own eyes. Therefore, today I sent leaders from all over the country here so that they could breathe the air of the Aral Sea, see the conditions and give a fair assessment. We will allocate funds for the development of Karakalpakstan”, the President said.

The Head of the state asked the opinion of residents about current problems and future work in Muynak.

“Hardworking people live here. We should only create conditions for their work. But what enterprises to build? What products to produce? What market will it have? The air traffic has been established for a good reason. Now it will be easier to transport goods. Therefore, I ask you: tell us about the most painful, offer thoughtful and profitable ideas. Together with you, we must outline specific plans for the next two years”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said. Members of the public noted the changes in the region and made suggestions on the current issues. The President supported them and gave relevant instructions to responsible persons. The need for development, along with agriculture, the service sector, in particular, the provision of tax incentives for the entertainment sector, was noted. This will serve to develop domestic tourism and create jobs. 

Muynak district is assigned to the Tashkent region. At the meeting, representatives of Muynak made a presentation on projects that will be implemented in their district by entrepreneurs of the region. It is planned to organize a park in the district. The elderly and children will be sent to sanatoriums and children’s camps. The Head of the state dwelled on the issue of improving the health of the population and noted the need for increasing payments and provision of housing for doctors who come to work in the region.

Source: UzA
