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The Organization of Turkic States discussed the implementation of the “Tabarruk ziyorat” project

2022-02-14 | Tourism

Samarkand hosted the 16th meeting of the working group, consisting of representatives of the tourism sector of the Organization of Turkic States.

The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.  The online format was attended by the head of the Hungarian travel agency and representatives of the tourism industry of the government of Turkmenistan.

At the meeting, the working group discussed the development of cooperation based on the concept of "Tabarruk ziyorat", joint promotion of the tourism potential of the city of Kokand, recognized for the first time in the history of the organization as the "Tourism Capital of the Turkic world".  This was discussed at the 6th meeting of the ministers of tourism of the member states and observers of the organization of Turkic states, which was held on June 24, 2021, in Kokand.  In addition, a number of initiatives were put forward at the meeting of heads of member states and observers of the Organization of Turkic States on November 12, 2021, in Istanbul.

The Uzbek side plans to develop a joint Roadmap as part of the Tabarruk ziyorat project, as well as organize joint exhibitions of artisans, ethno-sport competitions, as well as events to preserve and repair cultural heritage through the status of Kokand as the Turkic world tourist capital.  The roadmap will be valid for all member countries of the organization, which will determine the main points of contact for the development of tourism.

Within the framework of the Tabarruk ziyorat project, further deepening of cooperation in the field of tourism between the member states of the organization and observer states is envisaged. The working group discussed issues of joint holding of international fairs, exhibitions, festivals, national sports competitions, strengthening ties between international scientific centers in Uzbekistan, and scientific centers in the member states of the organization.

At the meeting, the Turkish delegation, consisting of Mustafa Özdemir, Head of the Investment and Planning Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey, Gezde Sahin, Acting Head of the European Union and International Relations Department, Aybike Delie, an expert in culture and tourism, put forward proposals for the implementation of the project and cooperation within the framework of  Organizations of the Turkic states.  They also noted their willingness to cooperate in the field of training, retraining, and exchange of experience in various areas of tourism.

By the parties from Kazakhstan, the Deputy Governor of the Turkestan Region Rashid Ayupov, Head of Tourism Management Gulmira Akhberdieva, Deputy Head of the Department of Investment Management and Exports Nurgul Abdurazzakova, Director of Tourist Information Rashid Ayupov acquainted the members of the working group with the tourist potential of Kazakhstan, including the role of the Turkestan region in the Turkic world.

Director of the Turkistan Tourism Center Tourist Information Center Olzhas Shintaev expressed his proposals for the Tabarruk ziyorat project, including the fact that the Turkestan region is located in the south of Kazakhstan, which will bring tourism cooperation with Uzbekistan to a new level in terms of transport and logistics.  It was also noted that the development of international transportation is important in the framework of the project, in which not only the tourism sector is important, but also the development of transport, economy, and investment.

Deputy Director of the Department of Tourism of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Kyrgyzstan K. Kenzhemetova offered cooperation in the development of ecotourism for the sacred pilgrimage project.

As part of the visit, the guests visited such tourist sites of the city as Mirzo Ulugbek Madrassah, where the great thinker Alisher Navoi carried out scientific activities, in memory of the 581st anniversary of the birth of the great thinker who made a huge contribution to the development of the Turkic language, as well as the mausoleum of Khazrat Imam  Maturidi.

The event also discussed the action plan for 2022, which will be organized as a result of the announcement of the city of Kokand as the “Tourism Capital of the Turkic world”.

Source: Ministry of Tourism and cultural heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan
