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The quality of specialized schools’ activities to be improved

2022-01-18 | Politics

On January 17, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a videoconference on improving the quality of education and upbringing in schools, improving the activities of specialized schools.

Many educational institutions are being organized in Uzbekistan, in particular, specialized schools are being created. At the beginning of the construction of the Presidential Schools, the Head of the state noted that they should become a model for other institutions and change the sphere of education. What is happening: interest in science has increased in society, more and more parents are striving to provide for their children a good education.

In 2019, there were 271 specialized schools in the country. As a result of the initiatives and decisions of the President to improve the teaching of exact sciences and foreign languages, another 126 specialized schools in mathematics and physics, 87 schools in chemistry and biology, 99 schools in information technology and 207 schools in foreign languages ​​were created.

Thus, the number of specialized schools in the public education system has reached 790. 135 of them are fully specialized and have boarding school status. In the remaining 655 schools, in-depth teaching of subjects is organized only in separate classes. Their educational programs, teaching methods and extra-curricular activities practically do not differ from those used in ordinary schools. For example, lessons in classes with a mathematical and foreign language bias are 2 hours longer than in ordinary ones. However, this is not enough to meet modern requirements and keep up with the pace of development. In this regard, issues of expanding the coverage of specialized schools and improving the quality of education were discussed at the meeting.

“We need to deeply realize that our economy has very high goals. This year we aim to increase our exports to $14 billion. By 2025, we plan to increase the gross domestic product to $100 billion and exports to $30 billion. Who will implement this? Educated Staff!” the President said.

It was noted that specialized schools will be gradually transferred to the jurisdiction of the Agency of Presidential Educational Institutions.

“We created this agency not only for 14 schools. It should extend the experience and methodology of the Presidential Schools to other schools”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said. 

Therefore, from the new academic year, two schools will be selected in the city of Nukus and regional centers and one each in districts and cities with their further transfer to the system of the Agency of Presidential Educational Institutions. It was emphasized that in this case, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the development of industries, subjects, the teaching of which is traditionally strong in a particular region. An instruction was given to create an appropriate working group, study the conditions in the regions and prepare the selected schools for the next academic year based on new standards. The importance of revising the procedure for admission to such schools, the system for assessing the knowledge of students and teachers were also noted.

The Head of the state focused on the content of the educational process.

“Specialized schools are not needed to teach for 2 hours more. Children should receive in-depth knowledge in specialized subjects, have a broad outlook, high national consciousness and a sense of patriotism”, the President said.

It was noted that local hokimiyats and universities are also responsible for the development of school education, which should form a promising personnel reserve for themselves.

The level of education depends primarily on the knowledge and competence of the teacher. Therefore, directors and teachers will be hired in specialized schools based on a two-stage competition. The Agency of Presidential Educational Institutions was instructed to recruit highly qualified teachers based on this system, train them additionally and assist in obtaining national and international certificates.

The task was set to organize a research center at the Center for Teaching Excellence and International Assessment of the agency, which will develop advanced educational programs for specialized schools based on international methodology.

It was instructed to create territorial departments of the Agency of Presidential Educational Institutions in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regions to effectively organize this work. The Head of the state criticized the poor quality of teaching foreign languages ​​in schools.

“Languages ​​ in developed countries are not taught at universities. Because students learn two languages ​​since childhood. We teach foreign languages ​​from the first to the eleventh grade. But what percentage of children who finish school can speak these languages?! After all, so many public funds are allocated for this! Where is the result?” the President asked.

The issues of improving the quality of education, in-depth teaching of subjects and foreign languages ​​in other schools of the system of the Ministry of Public Education were discussed.

“Until we “lift on its feet” the education system, the reforms will not be successful. One ministry or agency will not be able to cope with this task. All our people and society must firmly take up this matter. Our fate depends on schools, on education and knowledge”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

Responsible persons were tasked to prepare a draft resolution on the implementation of the tasks defined at the meeting.

Source: UzA
