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Promising projects in the chemical industry discussed

2021-11-18 | Politics

On November 17, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a meeting to analyze the work carried out in the chemical industry and discuss new projects.

The structural transformations carried out in the economy of the country are bringing real results. In particular, over the past five years, 16 investment projects worth $2.1 billion have been implemented in the chemical industry, 3,000 new jobs have been created. It is also important that the private sector is entering the industry, and eight projects worth $45 million with its participation.

Over the past five years, chemical production has increased by 1.5 times, the volume of exports increased from $190 million to $310 million. It is expected that by the end of the year, the aggregate net profit of enterprises will grow more than 8 times and exceed 1 trillion UZS.

In accordance with the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 13, 2021, 6 technological clusters are being created for manufacturing products with high added value. In the future, it is planned to create 4 more such clusters in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Tashkent, Navoi and Fergana regions. They will produce more than 20 types of goods, such as carbon fiber, polyurethane, polystyrene, polyether and acetate fibers. Information was provided on these clusters and promising projects.

The Head of the state noted that for the huge potential in the industry, the projects presented alone are not enough, there are untapped opportunities for further attracting investments and increasing production.

Reserves were considered to bring production up to 12 trillion UZS next year, exports up to $380 million. The task was set to reduce the cost of products by digitizing the industry, reducing operating costs and energy consumption at enterprises.

As noted, work has begun on four large projects worth $740 million. These enterprises will produce new types of products: liquid complex fertilizers, urea-formaldehyde resin, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, calcium chloride. Responsible persons were instructed to take the implementation of these projects under constant control. The need was noted for a consistent continuation of the transformation of enterprises, the introduction of modern technologies and management systems.

The main attention was paid to staffing the new enterprises. For this, next year it is planned to train 6 thousand top and middle-level specialists. It is planned to launch training centers based on 6 enterprises of the industry, as well as an educational complex in Chirchik.

The importance of training specialists was emphasized, taking into account the modern development of the chemical industry and the requirements of employers.

Source: UzA
