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The President holds a conversation with artists and youth

2021-09-28 | Politics

After meeting with voters of Fergana region, Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited a new cultural center in Guliston mahalla of Baghdad district and talked with artists.

“Together with the economy, we are trying to develop the cultural sphere. Fergana has long been famous for its creative people. The theater in Kokand was repaired, modern conditions are created, museums and schools are organized in honor of outstanding writers and art workers. Today, at the meeting with voters, I proposed to immortalize the names of Zokirjon Kholmuhammad-ugli Furkat, Ashurali Zokhiri, Yusufjon-qiziq Shakarjonov, build an Alley of Artists and develop a culture in the region. I think you will support these ideas and make your contribution, which will serve the development of art, the education of young people”, the Head of the state said.

The importance of improving the activities of Kokand Theater, attracting talented directors from the capital and raising the artistic level of performances was emphasized. A proposal was made to organize a special department at Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts and Culture to continue the traditions of Fergana tightrope walkers and askia masters.

The President also visited a greenhouse in the same district. Here 500 young men and women, included in the “Youth Notebook”, are employed.

The Head of the state inquired about their success and plans.

Young farmers said that they are mainly engaged in growing lemons in the greenhouse, in the aisles – tomatoes and peppers, other vegetables, which brings them income and helped them get out of the “Youth Notebook”.

Young entrepreneur Zurkhumor Mamajonova noted that her family was allocated an apartment in one of the newly built houses in the mahalla for free, shared plans to organize entrepreneurial courses for young people at the expense of funds raised in the greenhouse, and also expressed gratitude to the President.

“The attitude to the land is changing, and if you do not sit idly by, you’ll get the result. For you, this is a small, but still an opportunity. There will still be new greenhouses, many enterprises are being created, they will need such hardworking, educated young people like you. Never stop searching for new opportunities and acquiring knowledge. We will create additional opportunities for young people in Fergana to get an education”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

Source: UzA
