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Topical tasks in the areas of investment and foreign trade were discussed

2021-04-13 | Economics

On April 12 this year, from a studio in the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan under the leadership of Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan S. Umurzakov, a video-electronic meeting was held to discuss urgent tasks in the areas of investment and foreign trade, as well as to analyze the progress of the implementation of decisions of the Government Commission on Export Development and investments in these areas at the end of the 1st quarter of this year

The meeting was attended by all members of the Commission, heads of ministries, departments, industry associations, commercial banks, as well as through video conferencing - deputy khokims of regions, districts and cities of the Republic on investment and export.
During the meeting, an analysis of the factors that influenced export performance was carried out, measures were developed to eliminate existing problems, and the responsible leaders were given targeted instructions to eliminate them. So, in particular, it was instructed to pay special attention to the work on promoting the products of domestic agricultural producers to foreign markets. The lack of activity of the heads of commercial banks in resolving issues of timely allocation of credit resources to entrepreneurs was also emphasized.
In addition, within the framework of the meeting agenda, issues of investment activity were considered - it is expected that by the end of this year, 226 large investment projects worth $ 6.5 billion will be put into operation in the Republic, which will create 34 thousand new jobs. The leadership of the Commission studied the current state of implementation of this task and instructed the responsible leaders to develop and approve separate "Road Maps" to accelerate work on projects, the commissioning of which is behind the agreed schedule. It was also announced that control over the implementation of these projects and the corresponding "Road Maps" will be carried out by the Inspectorate for Monitoring the Implementation of Investment Projects and Foreign Trade under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Special attention was paid to the implementation of regional investment programs formed during the visits of the Head of State. It was noted that this year, due to the implementation of 8,718 investment projects within the framework of regional investment programs, it is planned to create 201.2 thousand new jobs. At the same time, in the 1st quarter of this year, 1,374 projects were put into operation, due to which 17.2 thousand new jobs were created. In this context, the need to intensify direct interaction with entrepreneurs and exporters was noted for the timely identification and solution of existing problematic issues.
Following the meeting, the responsible heads of ministries, departments, commercial banks and local authorities were given targeted instructions on the implementation of effective measures to increase export performance and the timely commissioning of approved investment projects.

Source: Ministry of Investments, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan
