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Investment projects for Karakalpakstan presented

2021-03-10 | Politics

On March 9, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the presentation of investment projects to be implemented in Karakalpakstan.

At the out-of-schedule session of the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan on October 2, 2020, the Head of the state gave instructions for the development of the region's economy and improving people’s lives. Proposals were developed based on the study of opportunities and problems in each city and district, as a result, the Presidential Resolution “On measures for the integrated socio-economic development of the Republic of Karakalpakstan in 2020-2023” was adopted on November 11, 2020.

The first part of the presentation was devoted to the conducted work under this document, including the development of engineering and road infrastructure, improving living conditions in mahallas and ensuring employment.

Last year, 712 projects worth $436 million were implemented in Karakalpakstan, and more than 4.3 thousand people were employed. In January-February this year, 52 projects were implemented, and more than 300 people were employed.

Work in this direction continues consistently. In particular, another 711 projects worth more than $887 million were developed. There are 201 projects in the industry, 280 in the service sector and 230 projects in agriculture. As a result of their implementation, production capacities for $222 million will be organized. It will be possible to replace imports by $100 million and ensure exports by $41 million. It is planned to employ more than 22 thousand people.

The subsoil of Karakalpakstan is rich in minerals. 150 projects are planned for their extraction, processing and production of construction materials. As a result, the production of products worth more than 1 trillion UZS and exports of $3 million per year will be established. Thus, it is planned to produce ceramic and chipboard sheets in Muynak district, glass in Turtkul district.

It is planned to create 40 textile and 16 pharmaceutical enterprises, which will employ more than 5 thousand people.

The project for processing artemia cysts is also among them. The substances obtained from this crustacean are used in medicine, pharmaceuticals, cosmetology, agriculture and many other areas. The project worth $30 million provides for the creation of an enterprise processing 3,5 thousand tons of artemia cysts per year. It is expected that the export capacity of the enterprise will be $30 million. 500 permanent and 2 thousand seasonal jobs will be created.

13 projects for deep processing of licorice root have been developed. As a result of their implementation, it is planned to increase the volume of exports of licorice products from the current 29 million to 62 million USD.

Karakalpakstan has great potential in agriculture. 117 projects on animal husbandry, fishing and poultry farming have been developed. As a result, about 7 thousand people will be employed. 24 projects among them are focused on the processing of meat, milk and leather, and feed production.

The President noted the need for developing livestock breeding and fish farming with the use of foreign experience. The instruction was given to fully use the available resources and deepen processing, to create permanent sources of income for the population.

Source: UzA
