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The delegation of Kazakhstan got acquainted with the tourism potential of the Tashkent and Navoi regions

2021-01-25 | Tourism

The delegation of the Republic of Kazakhstan visited Uzbekistan. During the visit, the members of the delegation examined the objects of cultural heritage of Navoi and Tashkent regions and got acquainted with the history of cultural and educational centers of the regions.  

The purpose of the visit is to collect information about the “Chashma”' complex in the Nurata district of the Navoi region and the mausoleum of one of the great ancestors of the Kazakh people “Aiteke bi”, as well as about cultural heritage sites in the Kyzyltepe district, the “Kanimekh Eco Park” recreation area in the Kanimekh district, and also about such places of pilgrimage and historical centers as “Kasim Sheikh”, “Mirsaid Bakhrom”, “Mavlano Orif Deggaroni”, “Rabi Malik” in the Karmana region. The Kazakh delegation will continue its visit to the Navoi region on January 23. Upon completion of the visit, it is planned to establish cooperation between the Kazakh National Company “Kazakh Tourism” and the Tourism Association and the administration of the Navoi region. In the future, this cooperation will be aimed at increasing the flow of Kazakh tourists to the historical sites of the Tashkent and Navoi regions.  

Source: Ministry of Tourism and cultural heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan
