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Based on the Covid-19 questionnaire, information on household surveillance is provided

2020-09-06 | Society

On September 4, 2020, the Department of statistics on living standards and population surveys of the State statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized a webinar on the procedure for conducting household surveys using the coronavirus questionnaire (Covid-19).

It was also attended by employees of the Department of statistics on living standards and population surveys of territorial statistical offices.

The webinar provides detailed information on the content and implementation of legal documents approved by the government.

During the period of the coronavirus pandemic, according to the order of the state statistics Committee, a thorough survey was conducted in households using the Covid-19 questionnaire.

Employees of territorial statistical offices were provided with detailed information on the procedure for conducting household surveys using the Covid-19 questionnaire, and questions of the survey were discussed.

Source: Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
