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New tasks for government and local authorities to combat the pandemic

2020-04-14 | Politics

On April 14, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, at the beginning of a videoconference on discussion of urgent tasks in agriculture of Uzbekistan, emphasized the ongoing work within the framework of the fight against coronavirus infection. The Head of the state noted:

– As is known from press reports, the number of people infected in the world, including in our country, is growing, which requires all of us, all of our people to increase vigilance and caution, unconditional and strict compliance with all established quarantine requirements.
100 people have recovered so far thanks to the efforts and the heroic work of our doctors. 141 thousand out of 222 thousand quarantined citizens were sent home.
Based on the current situation, the Government Commission, the leadership of the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the khokimiyats of the regions and the city of Tashkent, relevant ministries and agencies should take the following immediate measures.
First, we should not follow the process associated with the pandemic, but mobilize all the forces and opportunities, available resources for their early warning.
Second, it is necessary to comprehensively deeply analyze the current situation and forecast its course, be prepared for it, having specific plans and thoughtful measures.
Third, we should further strengthen cooperation with all states and international organizations to defeat the disease.
The ongoing telemedicine sessions for treatment of patients with participation of leading experts from China, South Korea, Russia, Israel, the UK, Germany and Japan should be continued with representatives of other advanced states, and recommendations received should be actively implemented.
The videoconference held today with experts from the WHO Regional Office for Europe, I am sure, will also give a positive result in treating patients.
Fourth, the Republican Commission needs to take measures to further increase the responsibility of not only the involved ministries and agencies, but also local khokims and sector leaders for preventing the spread of coronavirus and limiting its negative impact on the economy and people’s lives.
Especially khokims and sector leaders will be personally responsible for the effectiveness of work to fully ensure the vital needs of the population, to prevent price increases and support low-income families.
Caring for low-income, needy and vulnerable families, helping them, expanding the scope of noble initiatives should be one of the main tasks of responsible local leaders.

Dear friends!

It should be noted that, despite the difficulties associated with the pandemic and quarantine, our people did not fall into despair and panic.
Not a single system in our country has ceased to function. In order to protect people and based on the situation, we transfer our work to another form.
Activities related to intellectual work, education and training are conducted remotely, online.
At the same time, I want to draw the attention of managers to the fact that we need to continue to work effectively in agriculture, industry and construction, other priority sectors of the economy, in business entities in the regions. Because life does not stand still. The time and opportunity lost today cannot be returned tomorrow.
We are faced with the task of exporting a tremendous volume of products prepared in the country along with ensuring the prosperous life of our 34-million nation.
We certainly understand how difficult it is to stay at home, but we have to follow this recommendation as the most optimal solution for maintaining the health and life of our people.
We will consider the decision on when to cancel quarantine by thoroughly considering and analyzing this issue, in consultation with people.
Together with our courageous and persistent people who have seen a lot and seasoned in various trials, we will surely overcome these temporary difficulties.
The National Anthem, the words of which belong to our great poet Abdulla Aripov, has such insightful lines: “Manly spirit of ancestors is companion to you! When the great power of people became exuberant”.
Indeed, in this difficult time, our people, by their strength, prudence and endurance, showing concern for each other and the breadth of heart, will surely achieve noble goals”, said President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
A report was presented to the Head of the state by the heads of central agencies and other responsible persons on the condition of each patient in the regions assigned to them, details about the conditions created were voiced.
In addition, heads of republican specialized medical centers were tasked to personally examine each patient in the regions assigned to them. They should be constantly aware of the conditions and help from the state that patients need. It was again noted that no one would be left alone in trouble.

Source: UzA
