On April 7, 2020, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a resolution on measures to introduce a completely new system of training and continuous professional development of personnel in the healthcare sector.
According to the document, starting from 2020/2021 academic year, 47 medical colleges will be transformed into Public Health Technical Schools named after Abu Ali ibn Sino.
In-depth training will be introduced in subjects such as valeology, medical psychology, nutrition, nutrition science, pharmacology, kinesiology, rehabilitology and occupational pathology.
Graduates who successfully graduate from Public Health Technical Schools named after Abu Ali ibn Sino are granted the right to continue their studies from the second year at medical higher education institutions in specialized directions of undergraduate education without passing entrance exams through an individual interview.
It is planned to establish branches and clinics of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov and Bahçesehir University (Turkey) in Uzbekistan, as well as open international faculties in medical higher education institutions based on joint educational programs and branches in cooperation with reputable foreign medical education institutions included in international rankings.