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A modern company to serve a new neighborhood

2020-02-28 | Politics

On February 28, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev became familiar with construction of multi-storey buildings in Avaykhon makhalla of Mirzo Ulugbek district.

According to the plan, it is scheduled to build 17 multi-storey buildings for 1,120 apartments. Currently, the construction of 5 houses has been completed and internal finishing works are underway. They will be commissioned in September 2020.
The Head of the state visited one of the apartments and asked about construction technology and energy efficiency of the used materials.
External walls of the houses are finished with basalt wool, which minimizes heat loss and provides an optimal microclimate in apartments. This material is a fully localized product.
President gave instructions on expanding the use of domestic materials, reducing the cost of apartments, and allocating them to low-income families. The importance of supporting low-income families by extending loan repayment periods and providing rental housing was noted.
“Residents of cities are dissatisfied with the quality of public services. There are not enough professional organizations and qualified personnel in building maintenance. New objects are connected to the old infrastructure. Entire blocks are heated from a distant station. And if you work wisely, you can reduce the cost of utility payments by up to 50 percent”, says the Head of the state.
Instructions were given for construction of an autonomous heat station in the new neighborhood, organization of a modern company for operation and maintenance of buildings.
Several 9, 16-storey and one 25-storey buildings are planned to be built on the territory of the makhalla. In addition to modern requirements, the project takes into account national values and facilities for various ceremonies. In addition, residential complex will include a school, a kindergarten, sports and playgrounds, multi-level parking.

Source: UzA
