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Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan regions develop trade and economic cooperation

2020-02-27 | Economics

On February 25-26, Khorezm’s Urgench hosted the Second Uzbekistan – Kazakhstan Interregional Cooperation Forum.

The forum, organized to further strengthen ancient friendly, good-neighborly relations and strategic partnership between the two countries, exchange information on the industrial potential and capabilities of the regions, determine the direct areas of partnership, was attended by over 200 representatives of the business community of Kazakhstan and about 150 representatives of Uzbekistan regions’ businesspeople.
On the first day of the forum, meetings were held with participation of senior officials of the ministries and agencies of the two countries, heads of regions, entrepreneurs, economists, meetings of businesspeople of regions with a common border, as well as an exhibition of products manufactured in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Trade and investment agreements on development of interregional cooperation were signed.
On February 26, a meeting of the government delegations was held with participation of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askar Mamin.
Prospects for developing cooperation in implementing joint projects in trade-economic sphere, expanding direct ties between the regions in such areas as energy, water use, transport and transit were considered at the meeting of government delegations held within the framework of Uzbekistan – Kazakhstan Interregional Cooperation Forum. Issues of scientific, technical, cultural and humanitarian cooperation were also discussed.
Following the meeting, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askar Mamin signed the Final Declaration of the Second Uzbekistan – Kazakhstan Interregional Cooperation Forum. 16 documents of interdepartmental and interregional levels were also signed.
In addition, relevant documents were signed between Uzbekistan’s ministries of Economy and Industry, Investments and Foreign Trade, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Uzavtosanoat Association, the khokimiyats of the Republic of Karakalpastan, Navoi, Bukhara, Khorezm, Syrdarya and Tashkent regions and Kazakhstan’s ministries of Trade and Integration, National Economy, akimats of Mangistau, Kyzylorda, Aktobe, Kostanay, Turkestan regions and the city of Shymkent.

Gayrat Khonnazarov, Akhmadjon Shokirov, UzA
