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Indicators of socio-economic development and future challenges

2020-02-26 | Society

On February 25 of this year, the State Committee on Statistics organized a scientific and practical seminar on the topic “Indicators and Perspective Tasks of the Socio-Economic Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2019” at the Tashkent State Economic University.

At the seminar, the head of the department of macroeconomic indicators and national accounts Aziz Mamirov and the deputy head of the department for disseminating information, international cooperation and information exchange Ulugbek Noipov made a presentation for applicants and university students.

At the event, the role of statistical agencies in publishing on the international resources indicators of the socio-economic development of our country was emphasized. The event also discussed the first thought about the main indicators of the system of national accounts and their significance in the analysis of socio-economic processes.

Goskomstat also provided detailed information on new methods used to calculate and analyze macroeconomic indicators, as well as the importance of information and communication technologies in this direction.

As a result of the event, participants were provided with comprehensive answers to their questions.
