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President outlines main tasks in chemical industry

2020-02-24 | Politics

On February 24, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting to discuss plans for reforming chemical industry and main tasks facing the industry this year.

In recent years, specific steps have been taken to modernize and improve the financial-economic recovery of the chemical industry, and to expand the range of products with high added value. In order to increase the profitability of enterprises in the industry, market mechanisms have been introduced and pricing procedure has been completely revised. As a result, the last year’s profit in the industry is 2.3 times higher than in 2018.
Navoiazot has launched a Complex for production of polyvinyl chloride, caustic soda and methanol.
Plants are being built for production of liquid synthetic fuel based on Shurtan Gas Chemical Complex, nitric acid, ammonia and carbamide in Navoiazot JSC.
The Head of the state, in his Address to the Parliament and at the joint session of the Chambers of the Oliy Majlis last month, focusing on development of chemical industry, set a number of tasks for its modernization, wide introduction of scientific achievements and innovations.
There are many challenges and opportunities in the field that have not yet been used. In particular, certain types of chemical products that do not have a complex composition and can be produced in Uzbekistan, are imported. The export structure is not diversified, and the share of mineral fertilizers is still high. 60 percent of used equipment is worn out, and energy consumption is 2-3 times higher than normal.
Tasks were identified at the meeting for reforming the sphere, improving the efficiency and potential of enterprises.
It was instructed to critically analyze the activities of each industry enterprise, improve product quality, and reduce its cost by reducing energy costs. The importance of introducing digital technologies and increasing the level of automation of harmful production was noted.
The need was noted for development of new areas of chemical industry and involvement of foreign investors in this process.
Special attention was paid to production of necessary raw materials for the textile, building materials automotive industries, consumer goods, food and pharmaceuticals.
Instructions were given on bringing to the designed capacity of Navoiazot complex and its second stage construction as soon as possible.
Issues of selling the state share in Ferganaazot, Kungrad soda and Dehkanabad potash plants to investors were considered.
The necessity of expanding the production of low-tonnage chemical products and organizing a small industrial zone for this purpose on the basis of unused areas of Navoiazot JSC was noted.
As is known, this year has been declared as the Year of Science, Enlightenment and Digital Economy Development in Uzbekistan, and the areas of knowledge that will be given priority attention have been identified. Among them is chemistry, the importance of which at the present stage of our development is difficult to overestimate.
In this regard, exceptional importance of developing chemical education and science, and training modern personnel was noted at the meeting. It was noted that it is necessary to strengthen the integration of science and production, ensure research consonance with the needs of industry enterprises.
Instructions were given for organization of research Institute together with South Korea, and improve the training system at Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.
Responsible persons provided information on the issues discussed at the meeting and plans for the future.

Source: UzA
