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Beekeeping: Experience, Practice and Results

2020-02-12 | Economics

Global interest in development of beekeeping industry is increasing. Especially great is the need for production of environmentally friendly honey.

Resolution of the President of the country “On measures for further development of the beekeeping industry in the republic” of October 16, 2017 opened up new opportunities in development of the industry.
This can be seen in the example of activities carried out in Namangan region, achieved results and projects, the implementation of which is envisaged in the future.
Namangan is one of the regions of Uzbekistan that has a leading position in beekeeping sphere. More than 500 subjects are engaged in beekeeping in the region. Their products are in demand not only here, but also in the foreign market.
Confirmation of these words is the fact that in 2019, Sof Asal LLC exported 16 tons of honey to the United Arab Emirates. In addition, only last year, bee packages worth 700 thousand dollars were delivered to Russia and Kazakhstan. If 220 thousand bee packages were exported throughout the country, then 178 350 of them fell to the share of Namangan region. And this fact once again shows how high the region’s potential in beekeeping is.
Shifo Asalarichilik LLC also has rich experience in the industry. The company has been engaged in beekeeping since 1988 and is one of the first to be registered as an enterprise with the status of a legal entity.

Akromjon Sattorov, UzA
