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Snap parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan

2020-02-11 | Elections

On February 9, snap parliamentary elections were held for the first time in the history of Azerbaijan.

In this regard, the Central Election Commission of Azerbaijan accredited 883 foreign observers from 58 countries and 59 international organizations. Over 130 representatives of foreign media observed the election process.

Uzbekistan delegation led by the Deputy Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mahmud Istamov also attended the elections as observers. Members of the delegation visited districts and polling stations where they were convinced of the transparent and open conduction of elections, became familiar with conditions created for voters and modern information technologies introduced into the electoral process.

The observers visited polling stations in Shemakha and Shirvan districts, as well as in the city of Baku. According to the delegation, the snap parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan were held in a transparent, open, peaceful atmosphere and in accordance with generally recognized international electoral standards and national legislation. Illegal actions have not been observed in the elections.

During the visit, on the occasion of the anniversary of Alisher Navoi’s birth, members of Uzbekistan delegation, along with representatives of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Azerbaijan laid flowers at the monument to Alisher Navoi in Baku and paid tribute to his memory.

Source: UzA
