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Dialogue of civilizations is an important tool for international cooperation

2020-01-22 | Culture

Tashkent hosts a scientific-practical workshop on “Dialogue of civilizations: preserving harmony and traditional values in the era of globalization”.

The event, organized by the SCO Center for Public Diplomacy in Uzbekistan jointly with Konrad Adenauer Foundation's Office in Central Asia and the Center for Islamic Civilization, was attended by representatives of international organizations, domestic and foreign experts and scientists.
Local and foreign experts exchanged views on the issues of inter-civilizational dialogue.
Issues of preservation of universal and national values, increasing the role of education and enlightenment in society, the need for studying rich national-cultural, historical heritage and traditions of the peoples of the world were discussed at the event. This will help to strengthen mutual consent and intensify interreligious and interfaith dialogue.
More than 15 reports on such current topics as “Priority areas in security, religious tolerance and interethnic harmony in Uzbekistan”, “Main directions and ways to strengthen inter-confessional peace and harmony”, “Problems in educating younger generation in the spirit of respect for national and traditional values”, “Role of religion in inter-civilizational relations”, “Problems and solutions in ensuring interethnic harmony and religious tolerance in Uzbekistan” were presented.

Saidmurod Rakhimov, UzA
