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International Conference of the SCO RATS in Tashkent

2019-11-08 | SCO

On November 6-7, Tashkent hosted the 7th international scientific and practical conference of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (SCO RATS) “Combating terrorism – cooperation without borders”.

The conference was attended by representatives of competent authorities of the SCO member states, observer states and dialogue partner states, the SCO Secretariat and relevant structures of international organizations.
At the conference, participants exchanged views on pressing issues of countering modern challenges and threats coming from international terrorist organizations, and exchanged experience in the fight against terrorism and extremism. They expressed a unanimous opinion that international terrorism and extremism in all their forms and manifestations continues to pose a serious threat to peace and security.
Participants focused on attempts of international terrorist organizations to acquire new types of weapons and military equipment, geolocation and satellite communications, to expand the practice of using unmanned aerial vehicles, artificial intelligence technologies and achievements in information and telecommunications for carrying out terrorist activities.
Transition of the Islamic State international terrorist organization to the network principle of actions and the emergence of new challenges and threats related to the aggravation of the security situation in a number of regions of the world, primarily in the Middle East and Afghanistan, were noted.
Participants of the conference expressed concern that members of international terrorist organizations deployed in Afghanistan are closely approaching the borders of the SCO member states, as well as returning to their countries of origin, replenishing the “sleeping” cells.
Organization of work on returning and rehabilitation of family members of terrorist fighters to their countries of origin in order to eliminate threats was discussed at the event.
Experience was exchanged on countering the radicalization of youth, which, due to a number of social characteristics, is most susceptible to ideological influence and is a “breeding ground” for terrorist and extremist activities.
During the dialogue, the need was noted for countering the use of the Internet for terrorist and extremist purposes, improving international cooperation in preventing the spread of the ideology of terrorism and extremism.
Participants praised the level of organization of the conference and expressed appreciation to the Executive Committee of the SCO RATS for the created favorable working conditions and the warm welcome.
