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At the international session discussed new strategic approaches to statistics for 2030 and other key issues

2019-10-29 | Society

On October 23-25, the delegation of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics, headed by its chairman Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich, took part in the 8th session of the statistical commission of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which is being held in Ankara (Turkey).

The session was attended by over 40 representatives of national statistical offices from 30 OIC member countries and 10 representatives from 9 international organizations, including the Islamic Development Bank Group, the UN Statistical Department, the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Labor Organization, etc.

During the session, reports on the following urgent tasks of improving statistics were heard and discussed:

- Technologies for electronic data collection in the census

and housing;

- Agricultural census in the XXI century;

- Development of national statistical systems for international labor migration.

Also, the following issues of the bureau’s activities in the following areas were considered:

- On the progress of the Working Group on the development of a new strategic vision for the Statistical Commission of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation for 2030;

- Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Bureau of the Statistical Commission of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

During the participation in the event, the delegation of Uzbekistan held meetings with representatives of the statistical departments of international organizations and the heads of the statistical departments of the OIC member countries on issues of interest to the Uzbek side, in particular, the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

- With the leadership of the Bureau of the Statistical Commission of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and SESRIC - establishing cooperation on the exchange of scientific developments, new methodological provisions and the implementation of joint activities aimed at building statistical capacity in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

- With the leadership of the Turkish Statistical Office (Turkstat) - establishing cooperation and exchange of experience on censuses and surveys, development of indicators on international labor migration, as well as the use of geospatial, cartographic and satellite data, scans, the launch of large databases, with a view to their further practical implementation in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

 Following the results of meetings with representatives of the statistical departments of international organizations and the heads of the statistical departments of the countries, an agreement was reached on the implementation of best practices and methods in the field of statistics.
