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Abdulaziz Kamilov attends C5+1 meeting in New York

2019-09-24 | Politics

On September 22, 2019, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov attended C5+1 meeting of the heads of foreign affairs agencies of five Central Asian countries and the United States, in New York.

The meeting was also attended by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Mukhtar Tileuberdi, the Kyrgyz Republic – Chingiz Aidarbekov, the Republic of Tajikistan – Sirojiddin Muhriddin, the Ambassador of Turkmenistan to the United States – Oraz Meredov and the U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
According to Uzbekistan MFA, heads of foreign affairs agencies exchanged views on prospects for development of multilateral cooperation in various fields, the implementation of joint projects aimed at strengthening cooperation.
Issues of cooperation in the field of regional security, strengthening border protection and encouraging cross-border ties, as well as promoting trade, economic and investment cooperation in Central Asia were considered at the meeting.
Participants of the meeting noted with satisfaction the new atmosphere of partnership, the mutual desire to strengthen cooperation in ensuring regional stability and sustainable economic development.
The United States confirmed its continued commitment to the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of each country, as well as to a strong, prosperous and stable region.
The American side also noted the interest in supporting efforts for economic development, promoting trade and investment ties in Central Asia. In order to support private business, the possibility of using the resources of American financial institutions, including the newly created United States International Development Finance Corporation (USIDFC) with a budget of 60 billion USD, was emphasized.
In his speech, the head of Uzbekistan delegation noted that Uzbekistan remains an active supporter of promotion of multifaceted cooperation within the framework of C5+1. As it was emphasized, Uzbekistan considers it important to further promote infrastructure, transport, communication, cultural, humanitarian, scientific and educational ties and expresses interest in attracting assistance in overcoming the consequences of the Aral Sea disaster.
At the same time, particular importance is attached to the active involvement of Afghanistan in the regional economic process, which can act as a “ground bridge”. Uzbekistan also supports the granting to Afghanistan the status of a full member of the United States – Central Asia Trade and Investment Framework Agreement during the next meeting of TIFA Council in Washington this October.
Other issues of mutual interest were also discussed at the meeting.
A brief conversation was held between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan and the U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo within the framework of C5+1 meeting. Current issues of Uzbekistan – American agenda were discussed.

Source: UzA
