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Bilateral cooperation of the State Committee on Statistics and the UNFPA Representative in Tashkent

2019-09-19 | Society

As part of the evaluation of the country program of the UNFPA Representative in Uzbekistan for 2016-2020, on 18 September of the current year a meeting with the international independent expert Ms. Alison King was held at the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics.

The subject of discussion was an evaluation of the UNFPA country program and bilateral cooperation between the Goskomstat and the UNFPA Representative in Uzbekistan. Goskomstat representatives noted the important role of UNFPA and the support provided by the Fund in preparing the census in 2022 in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The parties reviewed other priority areas of cooperation, expressed hope for continued dialogue in the framework of the programs implemented under the auspices of the UN.

The meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
