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After the problems and shortcomings had been discussed, the measures were defined

2019-08-23 | Society

On August 22 of the current year, the seminar on the execution of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On approving the Concept of conducting the population census in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2022” was held in the Centre of entrepreneurs of the Fergana province. The seminar was opened by the first deputy of khokim of the province - F. Toshpulatov.

The first deputies of all district (city) khokims, the representatives of territorial statistics bodies, cadastre bodies, self-government bodies, the members of provincial territorial commission  took part in the event.

The Deputy Chairman of the State committee on statistics - M. Ziyadullaуev, the head of division for formation of demographic indicators - Sh. Dusnaуev spoke at the seminar. The speakers told about the works, which have been carried out up to this day on execution of the Presidential Decree and about tasks that must be fulfilled in the future.

 The participants exchanged opinions on what it is needed to pay attention when organizing and conducting a population census, on problems and shortcomings, as well as on measures that must be taken. Also, during the event, the detailed answers were given to questions asked by members of territorial commission.
