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After identifying the problems and deficiencies, the measures were taken

2019-08-08 | Society

Pursuant to Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-5655 of February 5, 2019 “On Approving the Concept of Conducting a Population Census in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2022”, a seminar was held on August 6 of this year in the Khokimiyat of Surkhandarya region.

The seminar was attended by the first deputies of district (city) Khokims, representatives of the territorial statistical agencies, cadastre, self-government bodies, as well as representatives of territorial commissions to assist in conducting a population census in 2022 in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

At the seminar, Yuldoshev Zoyir Toshkanovich, Deputy Head of the Department of Demography and Labor Statistics of the State Statistics Committee, made a report and spoke about the work done in pursuance of the Presidential Decree, and also emphasized a number of tasks that need to be performed in the future.

During the seminar, detailed answers to questions of representatives of the territorial commission were given.
