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Meeting of the heads of border services of competent authorities of the SCO member states

2019-06-07 | SCO

On June 6, Tashkent hosted the seventh meeting of the heads of border services of the competent authorities of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states.

The event, chaired by the Russian Federation, was attended by representatives of border services of competent authorities of the Republic of India, Republic of Kazakhstan, People's Republic of China, Kyrgyz Republic, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, Coordination Service of the Council of Commanders of Border Troops of the CIS member states and the Executive Committee of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure. Participants exchanged information on the situation on the state borders of the SCO member states.
Results of the joint border operation of competent authorities of the SCO member states “Unity 2018”, held in 2018, were highly appreciated.
Preparation plan and conduction of the first stage of the joint border operation of border services of the competent authorities of the SCO member states in 2019 “Solidarity 2019-2021” was considered and approved.
Organizer of the second stage of the joint border operation of the border services of the competent authorities of the SCO member states “Solidarity 2019-2021” for 2020 has been determined.
The work plan of the group of experts of the border services of the competent authorities of the SCO member states for 2020 has been approved.
Place and dates of the eighth meeting of the heads of border services of the competent authorities of the SCO member states were discussed and agreed.
Participants noted that the professional exchange of views and development of common positions on the issues of countering new challenges and threats on borders of the Organization will contribute to development of cooperation between the border services of the competent authorities of the SCO member states.
The meeting was held in a business and constructive atmosphere.

Source: UzA
