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Meeting with Under Secretary of State for External Economic Relations of Finland MFA

2019-04-15 | Politics

On April 12, 2019, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Alisher Abdualiyev met with Under Secretary of State for External Economic Relations of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland Markku Keinänen who arrived in Uzbekistan with representative delegation of Finnish business circles.

According to Uzbekistan MFA, prospects for further development of bilateral relations were discussed during the conversation.
It was noted that establishment of Honorary Consulate of Finland in the city of Tashkent will give the interstate relations a systematic character, will allow to intensify contacts between the business communities of the two countries.
In particular, significant potential for cooperation in ICT, waste management, introduction of equipment for construction materials industry, gold mining industry with involvement of advanced Finnish technologies was noted.
The possibility of holding the next round of Uzbekistan – Finland inter-MFA political consultations in Tashkent this May has been considered.
The parties expressed their support for resumption of activities of Uzbekistan – Finland Intergovernmental Commission on Trade-Economic Cooperation, which will make it possible to develop joint activities on initiation and implementation of new projects.
The Ambassador of Finland Marja Elina Liivala attended the negotiations.
