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Fergana – Tashkent – Muscat – Riga – Seoul videoconference

2019-04-04 | Economics

On April 3, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Alisher Abdualiyev, who arrived in Fergana, held a meeting on activities of diplomatic missions of Uzbekistan abroad for attracting foreign investment in Fergana region.

According to Uzbekistan MFA, specific issues of implementation of previous agreements, as well as priority areas for attracting foreign investors, creating necessary conditions for them, including relevant technical requirements of infrastructure were discussed at the meeting through Fergana – Tashkent – Muscat – Riga – Seoul videoconference with participation of heads of khokimiyats of Fergana region and districts.

Ambassadors of Uzbekistan to the Republic of Korea Vitaly Vasilievich Fen and to the Sultanate of Oman Anvar Abdukhalimov, Chargé d'affaires of Uzbekistan to the Republic of Latvia Sharofiddin Mirzakulov informed about activities and promising projects based on modern technologies with participation of foreign capital.

Foreign investors from Latvia, who reported on the status of preparation of project proposals, also attended the videoconference.

Source: UzA
