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Bukhara Tower invites guests

2019-03-27 | Tourism

Bukhara Tower tourism complex has been commissioned in Bukhara by Authentic Travel LLC on the basis of Water Tower construction. 

Water Tower was built more than 90 years ago under the project of Russian Engineer V.Shukhov in order to provide drinking water to the part of Bukhara. The tower, which was built on the basis of metal structures in the form of a hyperboloid in historical center of the city, is distinguished by its architectural solution. It served population for more than 45 years and was subsequently included in the list of cultural heritage object.
Bukhara city khokim K.Kamolov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Uzbekistan Violen Biyet de Vilmore attended the opening ceremony of Bukhara Tower complex. It was noted that Uzbekistan creates wide opportunities for development of tourism and its effective use for further strengthening partnership with foreign investors.
Bukhara Tower is surrounded by a light glass semi-circular design. The building has a glass elevator, from which you can see the surrounding area. At the entrance to the building visitors can take a brief excursion to the history: become acquainted with water supply of the last century, historical photographs, videos and relevant documents related to Shukhov Water Tower. There is also a cash desk, a shop, an info-desk for tourists, a cafe and a small restaurant on the first floor.
There is another restaurant on the second floor of the building. If you want to look at the ancient city from a height, you can use the telescope installed on observation deck of the third floor.
More than 10 enterprises in tourism sector with participation of foreign investors are operating in Bukhara.

Erkin Yodgorov, UzA
