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Meeting in Bishkek

2019-03-21 | Politics

On March 20, the Ambassador of Uzbekistan Komil Rashidov met with the Chairman of the National Writers Union of the Kyrgyz Republic Nurlanbek Kalybekov, in Bishkek.

The Ambassador presented the issues of Sharq Yulduzi magazine, dedicated to the work of Kyrgyz writers and poets, on behalf of Uzbekistan Writers Union.

The publication was prepared in accordance with the agreement between the creative unions of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, reached in April 2018 during the joint event “Uzbek and Kyrgyz literature – literature of friendship”, in Bishkek and Osh.

One issue of the Kyrgyz magazine Ala-Too was devoted to the work of Uzbek writers and poets.

At the meeting, prospects of cooperation between creative unions in 2019 were also discussed. The parties exchanged views on holding creative evenings “Adabiy Dustlik – Abadiy Dustlik” (Literary Friendship – Eternal Friendship) on May 22 in Andijan and on June 19 in Osh.
