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Tourism in Karakalpakstan: tour operators and mass media discover new tourist destinations

2019-03-14 | Tourism

Karakalpakstan and Khorezm regions have organized an info-tour for tour operators and mass media workers. 

On March 14, representatives of the Territorial Department of the State Committee for Tourism Development and Chimbay district khokimiyat (Karakalpakstan) met the guests at Nukus International Airport.
Participants visited Berdaq, Kunkhoja and Akhimbet mausoleums in Chimbay district.
Guests visited artisan’s exhibitions in Chimbay district, including a workshop for production of yurts, exhibitions of traditional-national, applied arts and others. Master classes were also held here, where guests got acquainted with art of making and installing yurts, as well as with the history of this amazing accommodation.
Participants will also visit Nukus State Art Museum named after I.Savitsky, Ulli hovli, Nurullaboy complexes, Ichan-Kala museum-reserve and others.

Source: UzA
