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UNDP Resident Representative visits Karakalpakstan

2019-03-01 | Society

The delegation led by the UNDP Resident Representative a.i. to Uzbekistan Levan Bouadze arrived in the Republic of Karakalpakstan on a two-day visit.

Chairman of the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan M. Yerniyazov welcomed the guests with an arrival in the region and expressed gratitude for assistance in improving living conditions of people affected by the Aral Sea crisis.
Issues of long-term cooperation were discussed at the meeting.
After the meeting, guests attended the ceremony of handing over agricultural equipment and machinery to the Forestry Committee of Karakalpakstan, organized within the framework of pasture development project. It should be noted that 10 similar activities are organized in Karakalpakstan, aimed at effective management of pastures and improvement of degraded lands.
Guests also visited the Advisory and Reference Center at Nukus Branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University. This center, equipped with necessary material-technical means, helps to improve the experience and knowledge of farmers and dehkans, as well as provides advice on operation of modern equipment and technologies introduced into the sphere.
Opening ceremony of greenhouse farming, established on the territory of Kegeyli Agro-Industrial Professional College was also held. The greenhouse allows college students and villagers, including farmers and dehkans to learn drip irrigation methods. Wide promotion of this method among the population is provided.
Members of the delegation attended the event organized in citizen’s gatherings of Davkara and Atakul villages in connection with the launch of clean drinking water supplying station. They got acquainted with activities of a sewing workshop in citizen’s gathering of Aydin Jol village.
UNDP Resident Representative a.i. to Uzbekistan Levan Bouadze visited Muynak and Shumanay districts, got acquainted with a number of projects.

Yesimkhan Kanoatov, UzA
