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Investors from Kuwait visit Kashkadarya

2019-02-20 | Economics

Delegation of Al-Bader International Development Co.W.L.L international company arrived in Kashkadarya region.

The company operates in Asia, the Middle East and Africa in construction of hotels, houses, medical complexes and facilities, information technologies, tourism and other spheres. Members of the company arrived in Uzbekistan as a potential investor at the invitation of InvestMe Investment Consulting Company.
Delegation members became familiar with many investment projects in the regional khokimiyat. Investors expressed their interest in these projects.
Then the delegation was received by Kashkadarya region’s khokim Z.Ruziyev. Negotiations were held on implementation of investment projects in the region. Special attention was paid to public projects with a high value, particularly, construction of hotels, tunnels, cableways, roads and factories.
The visit of the delegation members to the region continues.

Ulmas Barotov, UzA
