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International financial institutions trust Uzbekistan’s economy

2019-02-19 | Economics

The delegation of International Finance Corporation led by the Vice President for Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe and Central Asia Georgina Baker visits Uzbekistan.

On February 18, a presentation was held on the results of activity carried out by the World Bank Group on the Study of Private Sector in Uzbekistan. It was attended by representatives of relevant ministries and agencies, private sector, experts of International Finance Corporation and the World Bank.
Deputy Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shukhrat Vafoyev, Vice President of the International Finance Corporation for Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe and Central Asia Georgina Baker and others delivered speeches at the opening ceremony of the event.
The results of multilateral study of private sector in Uzbekistan were announced. As it was positively noted, there is an opportunity for further growth of export potential through enhancing the role of private sector in domestic economy. In particular, it was emphasized that rational use of untapped opportunities in civil aviation, information-communication technologies, chemical industry and agricultural production in the future will lay a solid foundation for achieving high economic efficiency.
The next calculations within the framework of the presentation were devoted to agricultural sector of the country.

Malokhat Khusanova, UzA
