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TSDI is recognized as the best in the world in training personnel

2019-02-15 | Education

Tashkent State Dental Institute regularly attends the All-Russian Student Dentistry Olympiad held by Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I.Yevdokimov.

The event provides an opportunity for every student to show their knowledge and skills acquired during their studies at the university. The spectrum of universities participating in the Olympiad is increasing every time and covers almost all CIS countries.

This year, the eighth All-Russian Student Dentistry Olympiad was held. It was attended by students from more than 45 universities of the CIS countries. A characteristic feature of the All-Russian Olympiad is an integrated interdisciplinary approach: the structure of the Olympiad includes all sections of dentistry. Workshops will be held for all participants with a demonstration of new technologies in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of major dental diseases.

As reported by the Information Service of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in 2017, students of Tashkent State Dental Institute at this Olympiad received the title of absolute champion. Using knowledge and skills gained in the learning process, they received the highest awards. The 5th year student of the institute Sardar Khaytmetov became the absolute winner of the Olympiad, and Farrukh Mingbayev and Bobirjon Khamidov took the second place. Thus, Tashkent State Dental Institute at the international level is recognized as the best higher education institution for training specialists in dentistry.
