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Green City of Miracles

2019-02-11 | Tourism

As previously reported, the State Committee for Tourism Development and Kashkadarya Regional Khokimiyat organized an info tour to Shakhrisabz. The tour continues.

Participants led by a guide, becoming familiar with central monuments of Shakhrisabz, visited the Maqom Museum that was opened in September last year.

In the museum, one can become familiar with ceramic and porcelain teapots, bowls and other dishes made by the country’s craftsmen. The museum also features all national musical instruments, national costumes and books. A visitor can also find photos and documents that give valuable information about the history of maqom art.

– Our museum is very popular among foreign tourists, – said museum’s Supervisor Dildora Khotamova. – Recently, Japanese tourists became excited to see their musical instrument here. Many guests from South Korea, the United States, and France come here. Here a visitor can become familiar with development of maqom.

In the museum, systematic development of maqom is reflected in examples of regions. If to rely on the museum’s information, there were twelve directions of maqom by the sixth century. In the seventh century these melodies were united in Bukhara, and shash, that is, the six maqom was created. In short, here visitors can find all the details about the maqom art.


Sayyora Shoyeva, UzA
