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Information and Analytical Multimedia Center starts operating

2019-02-01 | Tech

New modern information and analytical multimedia center’s important criteria are quality, analytics, creative approach and innovative solutions.

The building of the center is decorated in a modern style and equipped with the most modern information technologies: computers, a multi-functional sound recording system, lighting devices, cameras and other technical means. There are also several studios with special decoration, where talk shows and broadcasts of other formats can be organized.
Special media platforms have been created for dialogue with representatives of the mass media, including for holding interactive meetings, briefings and press conferences. In addition, the center has the opportunity to shoot documentaries.
The center will carry out a number of projects in accordance with the roadmap for effective implementation of the Concept of enhancing legal culture in society in 2019, approved by the decree of the President.
According to the Director of the Information and Analytical Multimedia Center under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan Avaz Tojikhonov, the main goal of the center is to provide legal education. The multimedia center focuses on explaining the essence and meaning of decrees and resolutions of the President, laws in a simple language, visual effects and infographics are used for visualization. Another goal of the center is to provide reliable information.
Analysis of the information flow allows to check and provide reliable and objective information, comments from specialists and experts competent in these issues, and as a result, prevent the spread of rumors among the population.
With the help of the center, the openness and transparency of activities of justice authorities for the mass media and the general public is ensured. The center will contribute to establishment of dialogue with all segments of the population.
It is also planned to prepare talk shows aimed at bringing innovations provided for in legislative acts to the public and executors.

Norgul Abduraimova, UzA

Source: UzA
